Semaglutide Shots St. Augustine , FL - Vitality Balance Clinic

What is Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is an injectable medication originally developed for treating type 2 diabetes. More recently, it has been used as a weight loss medication due to its additional benefits.

Semaglutide works by mimicking the hormone GLP-1, which helps regulate blood sugar and appetite. It helps lower blood sugar levels and promotes feelings of fullness so you eat less.

Key benefits of semaglutide for weight loss:

At our Vitality Balance Clinic med spa in St. Augustine, we provide customized semaglutide plans to help patients achieve substantial weight loss safely under medical supervision.

Who is a Candidate for Semaglutide?

Semaglutide may be an option for patients who:

Semaglutide is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or people with certain medical conditions. Our clinicians will thoroughly evaluate potential risks before prescribing.

Our services

Getting Started with Semaglutide Shots

Initiating semaglutide therapy involves:

The starting dosage is typically 0.25mg injected under the skin once weekly. The dose is then increased incrementally over several weeks up to a maintenance dosage of 1-2mg per week. Most patients remain on treatment for 6 to 12 months.

We also provide an optional Bundle Package that includes:

Treatment Protocols

Our expert clinicians customize treatment plans to each patient's unique needs and health profile. However, a typical semaglutide protocol involves:

Lab Testing & Screening

We also review full medical history, medications and supplements.

Initiation & Titration

Most patients are initially prescribed 0.25mg subcutaneous injections weekly. The dosage is then gradually increased every 4 weeks up to a target dose of 1-2mg per week.

Slower titration minimizes GI side effects. We provide detailed injection instructions and closely monitor tolerance.

Maintenance Phase

Once an effective dose is reached, patients continue treatment for at least 3-6 months. Many patients achieving substantial weight loss continue for 9-12 months.

We monitor weight, metabolic markers, side effects and make dosage adjustments as needed. Lifestyle modifications are emphasized to boost results.


Toward the end of the maintenance phase, your provider will create a discontinuation schedule to slowly taper the semaglutide dose. This prevents weight regain or blood sugar rebounds.

Lifestyle interventions began during treatment should be continued long-term. We provide guidance to support keeping weight off.

Start your weight loss journey with us!

Vitality Balance Clinic Advantages

Choosing our experienced med spa for your semaglutide therapy offers many unique advantages:

We also offer financing options to make this highly effective treatment accessible to more people.

Convenience & Location

Our state-of-the-art facility provides comprehensive weight loss care in St. Augustine, Florida - an area renowned for its natural beauty and abundance of walking trails, outdoor activities, healthy dining options and relaxing escapes.

The Vitality Balance Clinic med spa facility features:

St. Augustine provides a wonderfully supportive environment for continuing healthy lifestyle changes beyond your time at Vitality Balance Clinic. The city offers:

The sunny but temperate climate also makes it one of the best wellness destinations nearly any time of year.

Importance of Seeking Treatment

Struggling with being overweight is difficult physically and emotionally. You may have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight many times before. Don't lose hope!

With comprehensive support and new treatment options like semaglutide, most people can achieve successful weight loss and lifelong change when they address the root causes.

The first step is seeking care from a qualified medical provider instead of dangerously attempting do-it-yourself plans advertised online.

Why Specialized Care Matters

Obesity is a complex chronic disease involving multiple hormones, genetics, lifestyle habits and emotional factors working together. Successfully overcoming it requires expert medical and mental guidance tailored to your unique situation.

Semaglutide paired with nutritional and fitness coaching, group support and hormone optimization provides patients struggling with weight comprehensive care for the best chance of long-lasting success with:

Don't wait - your healthiest, happiest life is just one step away. Call today to begin your weight loss journey with semaglutide assisted by Vitality Balance Clinic' top experts!

Interesting fact

Semaglutide injections were originally developed to help manage type 2 diabetes by stimulating insulin production and lowering blood sugar levels. Interestingly, researchers also found semaglutide helps with obesity by curbing appetite and promoting feelings of fullness - so much so that it was recently approved specifically for chronic weight management in adults.

Topic 1: Mechanism & Effects of Semaglutide

How Semaglutide Works

Semaglutide is structurally similar to the appetite regulating hormone GLP-1. Native GLP-1 helps control blood sugar by stimulating insulin release after meals. It also regulates appetite by activating areas of the brain that register feelings of fullness from food consumption.

In people struggling with obesity or diabetes, GLP-1 function is impaired. Taking synthetic semaglutide tablets helps restore many of these regulatory effects by:

Thus semaglutide both lowers blood sugar and insulin requirements while reducing appetite. This one-two effect provides powerful weight loss results.

Metabolic & Weight Loss Effects

By improving glucose control and insulin sensitivity while reducing calorie intake, semaglutide leads to impressive reductions in body weight and waist circumference. Effects typically include:

Cardiovascular & Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Emerging research shows semaglutide also provides beneficial cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory effects including:

These enhancements to CV health build upon improvements gained from becoming more physically active with weight loss.

Take the first step towards weight loss success.

Topic 2: Treatment Protocols & Procedures

Screening & Testing Overview

To provide fully personalized care customized to your unique health profile, we begin with comprehensive lab testing including:

Testing clarifies the presence of any underlying issues (like insulin resistance or inflammation) that may be exacerbating stubborn weight. It also establishes baselines for monitoring improvement across all metabolic markers with treatment.

Prescribing Considerations

Once medical history, exam and testing are complete, your clinician determines if semaglutide is appropriate by assessing:

A shared decision making model is used to align treatment choices with your values, priorities and budget.

Administration Procedures

Semaglutide comes in pre-filled disposable pens designed for simple self-injection. Our nurses provide hands-on training including:

Most patients find the process quick and relatively painless after a short learning curve. We closely support this transition to maximize compliance.

Topic 3: Supportive Lifestyle Interventions

Nutrition Guidance

Lasting weight management requires adopting healthier eating patterns focused on whole, minimally processed foods. Our registered dietitians offer resources like:

We emphasize sustainable lifestyle changes, not restrictive short-term dieting which tends to backfire. Support groups build community and accountability around new habits.

Exercise Recommendations

Increased physical activity provides enormous synergistic benefits alongside semaglutide treatment including:

Our trainers create personalized plans suited to your current fitness level and health status, which may include:

Movement should feel rewarding - not punishing. We encourage realistic, enjoyable goals.

Stress Reduction Techniques

Strategies for managing life stresses and difficult emotions are key to ending negative cycles of emotional eating/overeating. Our mind/body interventions can include:

Human connection and self-care nourish the spirit so unhealthy coping habits can fade.

Topic 4: Targeting Root Causes

Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is key biological driver of obesity and weight gain caused by progressive insensitivity of cells to insulin's effects over time. This drives compensatory insulin overproduction, elevated blood sugar, inflammation and disrupted signals of satiety/fullness.

Semaglutide addresses insulin resistance through:

These effects allow insulin resistant patients to utilize insulin properly again. Blood sugars normalize, inflammation resolves, and weight drops.

Emotional Eating

For many seeking obesity treatment, overeating is less about physiological hunger and moreso about difficulties with stress, emotions, trauma or using food for comfort or distraction.

Our comprehensive plans help uncover and heal root drivers like:

We help build self-worth beyond the scale, practice self-care basics, connect with community and establish healthy self-soothing habits. This facilitates maintaining weight long-term.

Hormone Imbalances

Hormonal disruptions involving thyroid dysfunction, elevated cortisol, low testosterone, estrogen dominance, etc. frequently accompany midlife weight gain and metabolic disease.

Our clinic offers advanced hormone testing and tailored balancing including:

Correcting deficiencies and imbalances removes major physiological obstacles to shedding weight.

Topic 5: Vitality Balance Clinic Approach

Our Philosophy

We recognize every person's struggle with excess weight traces back to a unique blend of metabolic, genetic, environmental and emotional factors.

That's why our goal is to treat the whole person, not just the number on a scale. We unearth root causes driving weight gain for truly customized care.

With compassion and cutting edge tools, we empower patients to transform their health - physical, mental and spiritual. Care is expertly tailored but judgement-free.

Meet Our Practitioners

Our close-knit team includes:

You're in excellent hands with our compassionate, multidisciplinary experts!

Cutting Edge Services

In addition to semaglutide prescribing, our office provides:

We offer robust options for enhancing all facets of health and wellbeing during weight loss.

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